Monday, July 06, 2009

Hamilton vs. Caupance, ca. 1500

Sune thair efter come ane Dutche knyght in Scottland callit Schir Johne Clokbuis and desyrit fighting and iusting in Scottland witht the lordis and barrouns thairof, bot nane was sa apt and redy to fight witht him as was Schir Patrick Hammilltoun, beand then ane zoung man strang of body and abill to all thing, bot zeit for lack of exercioun he was not so weill practissit as neid war, thocht he lackit no hardiement strength nor curage in his proceidingis. Bot at the last quhene the Dutch man and hie was assembelit togither batht wpoun great horse, withtin the listis of Edinburgh wnder the castell wall, efter the sound of the trumpit ruschit rudlie togither and brak thair speiris on ilk syde wpoun wther; quhilk efterwart gat new speiris and recounterit freischelie againe. Bot Schir Patrickis horse wtterit witht him and wald on nowayis reconter his marrow, that it was force to the said Schir Patrick Hammelltoun to lyght on footte and gif this Dutchman battell; and thairfor quhene he was lichtit doune, cryit for ane tuo handit suord and bad this Dutchman lyght frome his horse and end out the matter, schawand to him ane horse is bot ane waik warand quhene men hes maist ado. Than quhene batht the knyghtis war lyghtit on fute they junitt pairtlie togither witht right awfull contienance; ewerie on strak maliciouslie at wther and faught lang togither witht wncertane wictorie, quhill at last Schir Patrick Hammilltoun ruschit manfullie wpoun the Dutchman and strak him wpoun his kneis. In the meane tyme the Dutchman being at the eird the king cast out his hatt out of the castell wondow and caussit the iudges and men of armes to sinder and red thame. Bot the harrottis and the trumpitis blew and cryit the wictor was Schir Patrick Hammilltounis. This Schir Patrick Hammilltoun was brother german to the Earle of Arrane and sister and brether bairnes to the kingis maiestie and was ane nobill and waliezeant man all his dayis.

Pitscottie, Historie, pp.234-235 Robert Lindsay of Pitscottie was writting in the late 16th c. "Schir John Clokbuis" seems to have been John Caupance, a French squire

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